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Call Us Today!

Your #1 Source for Deep Discounted & Off Market Properties

Real Estate Investors!

If you're looking for the best source for wholesale properties in Florida, you're in the right place!

Are you a private investor or cash buyer looking for off market properties in the Duval, Clay, and/or St. John County area(s)?

InCoast Group, is a seasoned redevelopment & wholesale firm which has purchased, held, rehabbed, and wholesaled countless properties since 2006. 

We have built long starting relationships with real estate providers, such as Home Inspectors and Contractors, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, and Short Sale Negotiators. Whether you are a private money lender, want to partner with us on a future project, or take a rehab project off of our hands, you are encouraged to submit your information in the form to get on our buyer's list.

Our wholesale inventory is always direct to seller with no daisy-chains!

We look forward to speaking with you soon.


We are experienced real estate investors in Florida and specialize in off-market properties. 
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